New channel
You can create a channel with up to 256 users.

Close channel
You can close a channel if no longer needed.

Archive channel
When a channel is no longer needed, it can be archived or deleted. Archived channels are closed to new activity, but the message history is retained and searchable.

Unarchive channel
If you change your mind, you can always unarchive a channel. The channel members will be retained.

Reopen channel
If you change your mind, you can reopen a channel.

Rename channel

Leave Member of Channel


Invite Meeting

Assign Task

Create Poll

Send Form
- Click the icon to send a form.
- If you haven't created any forms yet, you can always create a new form. Follow the next steps to create new form.
- If you already created a form template, you can choose from your form’s list.
- Enter due date and due time.
- Add users from your contacts. Users also can be added through username, email and phone number.
- Click Submit to send the form.